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Wednesday, May 12, 2010

12:30 AM Y

just the girl.

it's time to let go...


Tuesday, March 02, 2010

2:24 AM Y

just the girl.

that was all that was needed to convince me it's only a fairytale...


Thursday, December 31, 2009

12:32 AM Y

just the girl.

tns teacher got back to me!
HOD of GEP somemore!!!
she asked for my contact number so that another teacher can contact me
as they need a relief teacher for english during the first week of school!
so cool!
weird thing is, i tried to send in my relief teaching application TWICE
but both times bounced back.
so how can it ba, that she still received it?
could it be God's will? (:
so anyway, i replied her email already.
hopefully i'll hear from them soon. (:

i'm so excited!
but still, a little worried as...
i got a tutee today!
sec4 o level student, teaching her combined phy/chem.
abit not so confident as i wanted to teach math all along.
but i'll try my best ba.
so if i take up relief teaching too,
i'll be juggling with 3 jobs plus church and other commitments.
sigh, dont know if i shld quit one or not..
see how ba.

so anyway, had thanksgiving for ycg today!
we worshipped and then each shared a testimony,
something to thank God for.
well, i cried while sharing!
and so did my sis heh.
i shared about how God saw me through JC life, my As,
my drumming ministry, track.
how i was nothing in everyone's eyes but so so much in God's eyes.
how i'm thankful to God for my friends who walked and journeyed with me through 2009.
it has been a crazy year that just swept by in a twinkling of an eye.
but i'm glad i had God with me all this while. (:

last day of 2009!
gonna spend it with the sixteen.
not sure what the programme is,
but just gonna relax and enjoy!
cuz 2010 is gonna have a rough start for me. :/
but i'm gonna grow closer and look more to God,
for i know He has the best plans for me!

see you never again, 2009!


Wednesday, December 30, 2009

12:17 AM Y

just the girl.

somehow i feel like ranting today heh.
i know i havent been blogging in a LOOONNGGG while.
but here i am, arent i? :D

well, a lil update abt my life...
As are finally OVERRRR!
i'm really happy it's over but at the same time, worried?
and also, i'm like so bored tho i'm working.
kinda missed the studying days already.
sigh, really shldn't have taken things for granted and treasure the time i was studying..
sounds ironic from my previous post yea?

but honestly, as i was taking my As,
i kinda liked doing it, as in the questions.
i found them doable, unlike AJ questions.
tho there were some i couldnt do, i felt that i did what i could already.
and i guess, the rest is up to God.

met up with the track girls of batch 08 on monday.
really had a great time catching up with them.
tho i felt a lil left out when they were talking abt their uni life and all,
i was still excited just listening to them.
there's so much stuff going on in uni.
and i'm kinda glad i get to hear them talk abt it.
cuz then i'm prepared, i wont be that afraid of uni and all.
and then i decided that i REALLY wanna go uni.
if only, it's God's will...

i wanna go back to studying again.
and this time, i hope i wont be so foolish anymore.
i hope i'll really treasure every single opportunity and make the best out of my life,
just as God wants me to.

so well, we had astons!
and then ben and jerry heh.
and they gave me my really belated birthday present!
but i still appreciate and like it. :D
thanks so much girls!
i really treasure our friendship and hope we'll keep meeting up like that
and not lose contact with each other!
loves. (:

so anyway, i've been working.
at haagen dazs.
been trying to look for other jobs.
tried to sign up for relief teaching.
was approved by MOE.
but couldnt send in my applications to TNS and TK
cuz somehow the email bounced back.
wanted to go down on monday but the teachers ic weren't around. :/
but then now clar got another job for me.
admin and slack and kinda high paying.
but gahh! i dont know where the relief teaching thingy will get back to me.
and i dont wanna rot at home in the meantime. ):
pray that God will open doors for me!

ohh and i wanna give tuition too.
but cant find tutees!
but as i was thinking abt this,
i think God kinda spoke to my heart.
like if i'm really passionate abt teaching,
why dont offer my services to the free tuition in church.
altho i dont know if i'm capable or not,
i think i'll ask alvin or approach sister susan or teacher jo soon ba.
see if i can help in any way. (:

so anyway, we've been quarreling so much lately. ):
but i know deep down inside, i still want and treasure this relationship.
if it's God's will, i guess we'll pull through ba. (:
but i still hope things can go back to the way they used to be.

alright, that's abt it for my life so far.
will try and update regularly hahah.

meeting xuan and other taonanites next thur hopefully!
cant wait. :D


Monday, July 06, 2009

2:39 AM Y

just the girl.

mid year exams are finally over.
so i'm back to blog, or rather, RANT. BIG TIME.
sorry for the deadness for awhile.

let me first rant about my mid years.
i've only got four words to describe it.

so not joking over here.
i'm not those kind who will keep saying stuff like,
i never study, sure fail,
and yet, they still pass, with FLYING COLOURS somemore.
when i say i'm gonna fail, i really am..

the saddest thing about this mid years is that,
i felt that this is the first june holiday that i really made effort to study,
and study the most,
compared to all the holidays i've ever had.
and yet, i still cant do the papers.
i dont know what does that mean..

well, i was quite upset and wanted to give up studying,
but faith like potatoes encouraged me. (:
no matter how tired or how disappointed i am,
i'm gonna try.
and it's not only small talk hor.
today, i packed my room from 10.30pm to 1am
cuz it was in a mess with notes flying all over
due to studying for mid years.
and now, i'm ready for the new mugging season.
gonna start doing up my study plan already.
it's like 3 more months to As!
feeling quite kan jiong already,
with like at least 20 topics for each subject.
but i just gotta trust God ba.
and have more self discipline and time management!

for now, i'll just pray that i wont get into any big trouble for my results.
even tho i dont know what are they yet,
i'm quite sure there'll be many Us.
and cuz i'm a retainee, i'll probably be in alot of trouble.
from teachers, principal and dad.
like what Mr Herd said,

alright, enuf about exams and school.
the secondary purpose of this post is to rant abt somebody.

she's acting totally like a.. ARGH!
i cant find the right word to use.
she's just CHANGED.
all that bad influence over there, it's insane.
she can talk to her friends there like so sweet and nice.
that kinda thing.
but to US, she talks as if we're strangers to her.
if not strangers, it's like as if we're probing too much and she's irritated
you are the one jumping to conclusions, not her!
like what on earth is wrong with you!
sigh, i just hope you dont regret it one day..
when u realise all u had, is gone...


i'm done here.


Wednesday, June 10, 2009

12:04 AM Y

just the girl.


await my post!
soon enuf. =/


Monday, May 25, 2009

1:12 AM Y

just the girl.

well, lately everything is going way way HORRIBLE.
i dont even know where to start ranting.
or mayb people are getting sick of me ranting.

AAHHHHH i just needa go some place and shout it all out.
cuz nowadays, crying dont seem to help.
so mayb shouting will..

and sigh, i hate to admit,
but i think i'm changing,
changing into a very short-tempered
and easily irritated person.
and the ironic thing is that,
i've been saying how change is a scary thing.
yet, the same is happening to myself.

how can i stop it.
mayb, keep myself happy?
how to keep myself happy,
i'm thinking...
and thinking...
and thinking..
final answer: NO ANSWER.


okay, i'll try HAPPY THOTS now.
had like KILLER training on friday.
berenice from rgs came to aj to train.
and we did like 200m reps.
min was six and max was eight.
so guess how many i did?
i still cant believe i did so many.
but the last two times was just to accompany berenice
if not she'll be running alone with the guys.

well, i struggled like mad.
it's like so much latic acid at my hamstrings and quartz.
but i didnt wanna give up or stop or finish with a lousy timing.
so even tho i have no more competitions already,
i still just whack all the way.
my timings were:
37s, 35s, 35s, 35s, 35s, 34s, 35s and 33.5s.
it's CRAZY i tell you.
and coach was impressed too!
and den he went on to say how i shld continue with track in uni.
continue running for another at least 3 years
so that my talent and efforts will not go to waste.

well, i'm still considering lah.
first thing first,
dont even know can go uni anot. =/
hopefully, by God's grace, i can.
den think again lo.
cuz might be abit sian of running le.
yet at the same time, dont really wanna give up track.
what a dilemma.
i'll just leave the thinking for the future.

right now, it's the As i'm fighting.

other happy thots include:
every moment spent with you.
minus all the lil arguements we had.
spending time with God.
hof and sunday service.

other than that, I FEEL LIKE SHIT now.

alright, enuf ranting and grumbling.
gonna try and do tutorials now.

i'm OUT.

i miss those times when u were my wall.
if i hadnt acted on impulse then,
would things be better now?
would we have had a better friendship first?
would we have walk right with God?
would we not have bickered over lil and insignificant things?

sigh, all in all,
i know i still i love you..


The girlY

there's no one else like me cause' God made me special. (:

LOVES God; chocoates&icecream; sports; family&frens; sleeping.
DISLIKES smokers; exams; vegetables; cockroaches&lizards!

with currently viewing.

The wantsY

go around the world.
grow taller.
grow thinner.
top 8 for NATS.
improve drumming
sling bag/haversack
ace the As!

The rantsY

The getawaysY

.yin lai


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♥ May 2009
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♥ December 2009
♥ March 2010
♥ May 2010

The musicY

I Promise You That - Westlife
The thanksY

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